
HELCOM - 13:e mötet i gruppen för hållbara jordbruksmetoder

14 juni 2018

External meeting

Seminarium om marin fysisk planering och Århuskonventionen, 22 nov

Startdatum: 3 september 2024

Slutdatum: 15 juni 2018

Tid: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Plats: HELCOM-sekretariatet

Adress: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsingfors, Finland

Informal consultation session of the Red List II project on initial assessment results for mammals  (IC Red List II 3-2024)
Official meetings of all HELCOM Working and Experts Groups and other subsidiary bodies are postponed due to the HELCOM strategic pause until further notice, however, informal consultation sessions, without Russian participation, are organized and hosted by a Contracting Party.
The informal consultation sessions process and discuss documents and provide guidance and recommendations as to how to progress work.


While official meetings and other events of all HELCOM Working and Expert Groups and other subsidiary bodies are postponed due to the HELCOM strategic pause until further notice, informal consultation sessions, without Russian participation, can be organized and hosted by a Contracting Party.

The Informal consultation session of the Red List II project on initial assessment results for mammals was held Online on 17 April 2024.

CCB Participant in the meeting
- Andrea Cervantes, CCB Biodiversity Officer

Outcomes of the meeting
- CCB got updates on data on mammals, including the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise, from the Red List II project.
- The meeting served to discuss the currently available data from the Red List II project.
- CCB also got the opportunity to make recommendations on possible data gaps and amendments.

The participants' list is not available for this video.

Participation supported by

CCB's participation in the event was supported by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither
the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

Dela event

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