HELCOM - 13:e mötet i gruppen för hållbara jordbruksmetoder
14 juni 2018
Seminarium om marin fysisk planering och Århuskonventionen, 22 nov
Startdatum: 3 september 2024
Slutdatum: 15 juni 2018
Tid: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST
Plats: HELCOM-sekretariatet
Adress: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsingfors, Finland
The European Green Belt Initiative aims to harmonise human activities with the natural environment and to increase opportunities for the socio-economic development of local communities.
Two years after the last Pan-European Conference in Ulcinj the European Green Belt Conference was an opportunity to meet, share experiences, and discuss how the European Green Belt can be strengthened. The conference took place from 14 - 18 October 2024 on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Jurmala, Latvia.