Last week, on 11-12th of November, in cooperation, Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) , Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) , the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and the Swedish Board of Agriculture hosted an international seminar on Land-Based Aquaculture and best available technologies (BAT) in Stockholm. Moderators were Ellen Bruno (SSNC) and Nils Höglund (CCB).
© Brian Vinci, Freshwater Institute
About ninety participants attended the two-day event and fifteen speakers from diverse parts of the sector – industry, government, research, NGOs and retailers – gave presentations and joined panel discussions. Here below you find links to the presentations.
The event is a part of an ongoing engagement to highlight and define best options for sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector, linking both to current work in HELCOM on respective BAT and Best Environmental Practice (BEP) for the future fish farming in the Baltic Sea region as well as linking to the EU level.
From left: Nils Höglund, Brian Vinci, Michał Kowalski, Malin Skog, Ola Öberg and Marcin Rucinski (Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries).
The aim of the seminar was to explore options for Land Based Aquaculture Systems, especially those that in different ways include a recirculation system and to highlight that such systems are not just the future solution but that they are already in full use and producing fish now. Furthermore, an important objective of this seminar was to explore the possibility to address risks to the environment and at the same time enable profitable production close to the consumer. Key questions asked were about environmental benefits, costs and technical challenges of land based systems and also the difficulties of producers to reach the market and sell their products for a good price.
It can be concluded that further action required are continued discussions of BAT and BEP and to set a roadmap with clear objectives and timelines for the development of Land based Aquaculture Systems. Following are some of the key findings of the seminar:
independent certifiers.
Malin Skog, The Swedish Board of Agriculture : EU and Swedish Aquaculture Plans and Strategies.
Frida Åberg, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management : Prerequisites for aquaculture in Sweden
Brian Vinci, Freshwater institute West Virginia : A North American perspective on land based systems, past, present and future
Michał Kowalski, Jurassic Salmon : Land based salmon from Poland.
Ola Öberg, Svensk Fiskodling AB : Reaching success.
Ivar Warren-Hansen, Inter Aqua Advance A/S : Building it large – Land based salmon grow-out
Johan Ljungquist and Mikael Olenmark, Scandinavian Aquasystems AB and Gårdsfisk: Building it small – Integrated Agri- and Aquaculture.
Brian Vinci, Freshwater Institute West Virginia : Land vs Sea based systems cost and environmental footprint comparison.
Nils Höglund, Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) : The omnibus challenge of feed in aquaculture.
Markus Langeland, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) : Realities of the feed options.
Albin Gräns, FRESH – Fish Rearing and Stress Hazards, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) : What is animal welfare, current rules and latest research on stress prevention in aquaculture
Dario Dubolino, DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission : Recirculation in the EU aquaculture policy and organic rules.
Anneli Bylund and Malena Nylin, Coop Sweden : Coop Sweden strategy for a living sea.