CCB’s main objectives under 2023 were to continue upholding regional NGO network capacity to take part in policy shaping and policy implementation on European, Baltic and national level and with that increase the chances of acceptance and support to EU and HELCOM priorities regarding nature, biodiversity and quality of life.

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2023 was another year full of political and environmental challenges for the Baltic Sea region, and we are glad to be able to contribute to its development by addressing its challenges in a positive way.

Eugeniy Lobanov

CCB Co-Chair

Bettina Taylor

CCB Co-Chair


ORE Guidelines, policy brief and webinars

CCB was actively involved in the discussions and developments connected to the expansion of renewable energy sources, especially offshore wind power, in the Baltic Sea.

In 2023, we have been working jointly with WWF Baltic Sea Programme to steer the discussion in Baltic Member States and provide criteria to be applied during the process for the identification and designation of offshore renewable energy (ORE) and for the deployment and installation of ORE technology.

For the protection of the Baltic Sea

CCB aimed to improve the protection of threatened species by supporting further establishment of MPAs, pushing for phase out targeted eel fishery, and propose concrete restoration targets for upstream migration barriers.

We also supported actions addressing sustainable agriculture, safe chemicals management and minimizing industrial discharges to ensure that the EU Green Deal is implemented as a cooperative, debated, collective plan.

CCB further aimed to propose improvement and ways to implement the key EU legislation relating to our oceans such as MSFD, CFP, the new Nature Restoration Law and the Action Plan for fisheries, both deliverables of the Biodiversity Strategy.

The persisting war in Ukraine continued to affect CCBs planned policy advocacy activities and tasks related to HELCOM, however, informal meetings were held and thus partial progress was possible.

UN-driven environmental agenda

CCB took part in 2 sessions of the Intersessional process considering the Strategic Approach and Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste beyond 2020, and also the International Conference on Chemicals Management.

During these meetings CCB contributed to a historic and successful outcome, the adoption of a comprehensive global framework that sets concrete targets and guidelines for key sectors across the entire lifecycle of chemicals. 

Moreover, CCB was represented at  the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) in Dubai, which led to the publication of the article “The water agenda at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28)”



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@CCB 550 followers

@Raddatumlaren 277 followers

+110 events attended &
organized by CCB

@CCB 821 followers

CCB network

28 Member Organizations

@CCB 157 subscribers

+20 Press releases, articles & publications


The content of this annual report is the sole responsibility of CCB and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the funders.


CCB unites Member and Observer organizations, as well as partners and individual experts in all countries of the Baltic Sea Region. The organizations represent the largest and most important environmental NGO's in these countries and together have over 1 500 000 individual members.

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Results and achievements of CCB are largely made of results and achievements of its members, and thus we want to express our deep appreciation and gratitude for the hard work of CCB member organizations as well as many partners in all Baltic Sea countries.

You can download the PDF of CCB 2023 Summary Annual Report here.


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