
HELCOM - 13. Treffen der Gruppe für nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Praktiken

September 13, 2018


NGOs Coordination Meeting

Startdatum: 3. September 2024

Enddatum: 15. Juni 2018

Uhrzeit: 9:00 MESZ / 10:00 EEST

Place: Uppsala, Sweden

Adresse: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finnland

NGOs Coordination Meeting


CCB organized a meeting, calling together NGOs engaged in marine/fisheries related work in the Baltic region. The meeting included participants also outside the CCB network membership and 17 representatives participated.

The agenda is available here.

The outcome was the creation of new cooperation groups and action points on shared focus and topics:
- Harbour Porpoise (lead by CCB)
- ByCatch (lead by CCB)
- LO/Control
- Eel (lead by CCB)
- MAPs
- MPAs
- Litter
- Market
- Seal (lead by CCB)

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