
HELCOM - 13. Treffen der Gruppe für nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Praktiken

March 19, 2019


High-level conference - OCEANS: The Future of the Blue Planet

Startdatum: 3. September 2024

Enddatum: 15. Juni 2018

Uhrzeit: 9:00 MESZ / 10:00 EEST

Place: Bruxelles, Belgium

Adresse: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finnland

High-level conference - OCEANS: The Future of the Blue Planet
What is the European Commission? The European Commission is the EU's executive arm. It takes decisions on the Union's political and strategic direction. The Commission helps to shape the EU's overall strategy, proposes new EU laws and policies, monitors their implementation and manages the EU budget. It also plays a significant role in supporting international development and delivering aid. To know more about it.


The European Parliament organised, in close cooperation with the European Commission, a High-Level Conference on OCEANS "The Future of the Blue Planet" in the European Parliament, in Brussels, on 19 March 2019.

The High-Level Conference discussed how to shape global ocean governance, how to ensure a sustainable blue economy and how to achieve healthy, clean seas and oceans by 2030. It highlighted the results of the EU’s efforts in these areas and aimed to inspire further action.

After the opening session, the conference was structured around three themes:

1. Shaping global ocean governance for the future
2. A Sustainable Blue Economy, reducing pressures on the oceans
3. Achieving healthy, clean seas and oceans by 2030

More information and practical details regarding the event are available here.

The event was recorded and it is available here.

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