
HELCOM - 13. Treffen der Gruppe für nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Praktiken

March 20, 2019


The MARELITT Baltic Final Conference

Startdatum: 3. September 2024

Enddatum: 15. Juni 2018

Uhrzeit: 9:00 MESZ / 10:00 EEST

Place: Stockholm, Sweden

Adresse: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finnland

The MARELITT Baltic Final Conference


On the 20–21st of March 2019, the MARELITT Baltic project hosted the Final Conference in Stockholm. For the first time, The Baltic Sea Blueprint – a handbook on how to approach lost and discarded fishing gear in terms of mapping, retrieval, recycling and prevention - was presented.

More info, agenda and presentations are available here.

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