Underwater noise pollution is an environmental issue that has recently started getting more recognition from stakeholders and authorities. While it has been an ongoing issue for marine species, extensive research on its effects on nature has been conducted fairly recently. In the European Union, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, which was put in place to achieve good environmental status in the EU countries (GES), recognizes anthropogenic underwater noise as pollution and outlines qualitative descriptors for this form of environmental pollution.
This report explains in detail what is underwater noise pollution and clarifies why this is an important environmental issue. Moreover, it identifies animal species and business stakeholders that are affected by this and, therefore, points at environmental prospects that should be taken into account by shipping businesses and regulators alike. Finally, an assessment of the possible noise reduction measures that companies can incorporate into their current operations is also conducted as well as a final recommendation.
The research specifically focuses on the Baltic Sea region and businesses that operate in the same area. The aim of this piece of work is to clarify the impact of continuous underwater noise pollution caused mostly by shipping. The report analyses and compares methods of measuring and mitigating underwater noise pollution with a consecutive description of short and long-term benefits and costs for the entire stakeholder structure when such procedures are implemented.
André Costa, M.A student, Vlerick Business School
Henriietta Dange, M.A student, Vlerick Business School
with the help and supervision of Executive Secretary of Coalition Clean Baltic Mikhail Durkin and Prof. Robert Boute
Co-funded by:
The content of this document is the sole responsibility of CCB and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.
Fischerei und Aquakultur