The CCB analysis “The Greatest Water Management Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region”
, presents an assessment of the current water management situation in Baltic countries.
Authors: Ewa Leś, BUND Ilona Biedroń, Adrian and Petro Hrytsyshyn, Maret Merisaar, Thyge Nygaard, Mia Svedäng, Uladzimir Zuyeu.
Editor: Ewa Leś
Special thanks to: Andrea Cervantes, Tomasz Walczykiewicz and Roman Żurek
Design & layout: Camille Fraizy
For comments and questions: Ewa Leś, & CCB,
Suggested citation: Leś E. et all 2023, The Greatest Water Management Challenges In The Baltic Sea Region, Coalition Clean Baltic
Some experts have opted for an extended analysis of their country. This is the case of Poland, whose report is available in English and in Polish:
- Major Challenges For Water Management In Poland, Polish version.
- Major Challenges For Water Management In Poland, English version.
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The content of this document is the sole responsibility of CCB and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.
Fischerei und Aquakultur