Keep fibers zipped: Holistic approach to reduction of microfiber pollution from textile.


The report and case study “Keep fibers zipped” of available solutions to tackle microfiber pollution from textile in the Baltic Sea region is now available.

The textile sector is one of the causes of plastic pollution. The washing of synthetic textiles is responsible for 35% of global emissions of primary microplastics into the ocean. The microplastics problem is widespread and seriously affects humans and the environment. There are already available methods to prevent and reduce microplastics contamination.

The separability of particles from textiles and their release into the environment is influenced by various indicators and factors: the quality and technology of fabric production, washing machines, the practice of wearing and washing clothes, consumer choice and habits, the presence and internal structure of sewage treatment plants in the location. This report gives an overview of the holistic approach to reduce microfiber pollution and existing practices and solutions for various stakeholders at the whole textile life cycle.

The Summary Report is available here.

Report coordination: Elizaveta Merinova
Contribution: Eugeniy Lobanov, Maria Suma, Elizaveta Merinova, Maite Andicoechea, Agnieszka Fiszka Borzyszkowska, Anna Vesman
Design and layout: Anastasia Semyonova

Suggested citation: Keep fibers zipped: Holistic approach to the reduction of microfiber pollution from textile. Report and case study of available solutions in the Baltic region and the world. Coalition Clean Baltic, Friends of the Baltic, Microplastics – invisible problem, May 2023.

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