The material introduces readers to methodologies for plastic pollution research in the Baltic Sea and other water bodies. In the manual you will find two simple methodologies for the detection of microplastics in water bodies and for the assessment of coastal litter sources with recording forms, as well as a brief description with links to full materials from the organizations that have developed the respective methodologies:
• Marine Litter Monitoring (Ospar, Marine Litter Watch, Etc.)
• Brand Audit (Breakfreefromplastic)
• Nurdle Hunt (FIDRA)
• Microplastics monitoring (CCB).
Methodology descriptions are structured identically and answer the questions: what? for what purpose? how? what to look out for? how can the data be used?
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The content of this document is the sole responsibility of CCB and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.
Fischerei und Aquakultur