Preliminary map “Potential Dam-barrier objects for removal to support wild salmonid populations in Baltic Sea Region rivers”


CCB started in 2019 a Project ”Return salmonids to small Baltic Rivers”, with support from Baltic Sea Conservation Fund (BaltCF) and EC LIFE NGO-programme.

The goal is to launch restoration of Baltic salmonid populations in small Baltic Sea rivers, by collecting knowledge on migration barriers’ mitigation methods and cases. By means of identifying rivers with valuable wild salmonid populations (salmon and sea-trout) where barriers and dams limit spawning possibilities, proposals for mitigation and removal of dams and barriers will be presented. Such studies will be made in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland’s Pomeranian coast and in Russian Gulf of Finland.

The following link* will bring you to a map of the preliminary results of this project Potential Dam-barrier objects for removal to support wild salmonid populations in Baltic Sea Region rivers ”.

*[The "Download" button below does not work because the link bring only to a map and not a file. The correct link is the one above.]

The final report is planned for autumn 2020.

We welcome comments from HELCOM Contracting parties and Baltic salmonid and river expertise on this list, to make the final result the best possible. Please, send your comments to Gunnar Norén, CCB Senior Adviser at:






Fischerei und Aquakultur

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