Towards best available techniques to reduce environmental impacts of industrial animal farming within Baltic Sea catchment


Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea is a major component in the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) from 2007, in HELCOM Ministerial declarations from 2010 and 2013. The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive has nutrient pollution as one important Descriptor for the Good Environmental Status of marine environment in European Seas. The Baltic agricultural sector contributes with more than 50% of the total nutrient load to the Baltic Sea, being the main contributor. This means that the Baltic Sea eutrophication problem cannot be solved without considerable reduction of the nutrient load from agriculture activities. Control and reduction of nitrogen pollution to waters is also related to the EU Nitrate Directive that e.g. controls the management and spreading of manure on agricultural land.






Fischerei und Aquakultur

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