*Land-Sea-Act project:
The working language was English, simultaneous translation into Russian was provided.
WHERE: Online via zoom, the link to join the Coastal University was sent to the registered participants in due time.
13 DECEMBER 2021
Integrated Coastal Zone Management & retrospective analysis of existing ICZM best practice (Vistula and Curonian Lagoon, Finnish & Lithuanian perspectives case studies) - Ramūnas Povilanskas
Mapping maritime businesses, for increased integration of business perspective in planning (сase study of Gothenburg region, Sweden) - Ida Lindbergh
Geoecology of the Eastern Gulf of Finland, challenges & protection. Coastal erosion, natural hazards & human impact - Daria Ryabchuk,
20 DECEMBER 2021
Balancing local coastal tourism and use of offshore wind energy (Latvia case) - Anda Ruskule
Participation in a marginalised area: Northern Estonia case - Anu Printsmann
Balancing coastal tourism and nature conservation Fehmarn case (Germany) - Luis Costa
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and the value of coastal zone in Finland – experiences in collaborative planning - Mari Pohja-Mykrä
Integrated Coastal Zone Management(ICZM): connection with Marine Spatial Planning to Ocean Government. Examples of coastal legislation & management on Italy, Spain, Portugal - Vera Semeoshenkova
Project "30 miles RUS- FIN", field results for Eastern Gulf of Finland: yacht harbor infrastructure, water tourism, mapping green and mobile marinas - Evgenii Zakharov
The north shore of the Gulf of Finland: port industrial loads & Baltic Sea ecological risks. Primorsk ULC / Coal Port
- Marina Parkina
North Coast of the Eastern Gulf of Finland, St. Petersburg area, reserves & large-scale artificial islands, which is wrong? - Anna Shushpanova
The Northern Coast of the Gulf of Finland: current state of cultural heritage & possibility of revitalization on coastal planning - Alexandr Bravo
Sustainable revitalization model of natural & cultural heritage objects on the Southern Coast of the Finnish Gulf - Evgeniia Petrashen
Current coastal conflicts of St. Petersburg area & need for inter-sectorial ecosystem coastal planning with public participation - Irin Breining
Media coverage:
*Land-Sea-Act project:
Picture from Anu, Estonia
Picture from Ida, Sweden
Picture from Ida, Sweden
Picture from Ida, Sweden
Picture from Anna, Russia
Picture from Anna, Russia
Picture from Fehrmarn, Germany
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.